This species is closely related to C. caucasicus, in which the males have one or more strong projections on the hind border of the 6th tergit. HRADSKÝ and GELLER-GRIMM are discussing the need of a better separation of this group, which is also known from North America. The species of the nearctic C. canis-group are very closely and the checking of the projection of the 6th tergit and the genitalia of males is the only possibility to separate them. Unfortunately nobody draw these structures, although they are so remakable.
The type of Laphria ogumae MATSUMURA, 1911 must be checked too. The description is very general.
The drawing on the right side is a dorsal view on the last visible tergit (which is the 6th tergit) and the hypopygium. Tergit 6 has a remarkable structure on the hind border, a dilation, which ends on the dorsum of the hypopygium.