Blattaria (Insecta)
Reviser: Dr. R. Shelford (1908)
Additional hints and help for making this listing: Prof. Dr. Horst Bohn, L.-M.-Uni / Zoologisches Institut, Karlstr. 23, 80333 München, Germany, bohn@zi.biologie.uni-muenchen.de
Type-material - stored in MWNH:
- Cyrtotria robusta Shelford, 1908: 37
= Bantua robusta (Shelford, 1908)
Labels: "K. Princis 1955", "D.S.W. Afrika, Rietmond 1903, G.: G. Berger", "Typus"
ex coll. Berger, female
- Pelmatosilpha sinhalensis Shelford, 1908: 33
Labels: "Cylon", "Typus"
ex coll. Freudenberg, male
- Polyphaga sumatrensis Shelford, 1908: 33
= Ergaula pilosa (Walker, 1868: 187)
Labels: "Sumatra 1902, Pelembang, G.: Dr. A. Fuchs", "Typus"
ex coll. A. Fuchs, male
Type-material - stored the alcoholic collection, which is now in HLMD:
- Evea kalkmanni Shelford, 1909
[pers. comm. Dr. Schneider (HLMD)]
- Loboptera bergeri Shelford, 1908: 28
Rietmond, Gibeon, German S.W.Africa (coll. Berger), 1 female
- Paralatindia obscura Shelford, 1908: 35
Vauli, 4000 metres, Peru (coll. K. Seyd, 13.V.07), 1 male
- Paraloboptera weileri Shelford, 1908: 28
Bibundi, Cameroons (coll. J. Weiler and O. Rau, 1907), 1 male
- Stylopyga assimilis Shelford, 1908: 31
Bibundi, Cameroons (coll. J. Weiler and O. Rau, VIII-IX 1907), several males und females
- Stylopyga furcifera Shelford, 1908: 31
Bibundi, Cameroons (coll. J. Weiler and O. Rau, 1905-1907), several males und females
- Stylopyga nigerrima Shelford, 1908: 31
Bibundi, Cameroons (coll. J. Weiler and O. Rau, VIII-IX 1907), several males und females
- Tivia morosa Shelford, 1908: 34
Rietmond, Gibeon, German S.W.Africa (coll. Berger), 3 males [1 specimen is lacking]
- Tribonoidea seydi Shelford, 1908: 30
Oxapampa, Peru (coll. K. Seyd, 5.V.07), 1 male
type-species of the genus
- Princis, K. (1962-1967): Blattariae. - In: Beier, M. (ed.): Orthopterorum Catalogus. - W. Junk.
- Shelford, R. (1908): A collection of Blattidae in the Naturhistorischen Museum zu Wiesbaden. - Jahrbücher des Nassauischen Vereins für Naturkunde 61: 27-38; Wiesbaden.
Additional material: