The new index contains all quotations of the journal "Der Präparator" from the first volume till 1998 and the respective glossary key words. The following sources are used as basis:
- Index of each issue
- Walders, M. & Schulz, P. (1990): Bibliographischer Index Jahrgang 1-35 (1955-1989). [Bibliographical index of volume 1-35 (1955-1989)]. - Der Präparator - Sonderheft 2, 125 S.; Bochum [ISBN 0032-6542].
Source (1) was converted into a text file. The correction was very difficult and isn't finished until today. We hope that some colleagues will suport this work. The new index is no alternative for source (2), because the latter sorts the quotations thematically (supported by the VDP).
It is planned that the following quotations are enclosed in the future:
- Quotations of articles, published in the journal
- Reports (incl. call of the authors)
Not to be considered:
- Secondary quotations (cited in the articles)
- Reviews
The key and search words were take over without greater modifications. It is to be noted that there is a clear disproportion in the number of assigned key words, which is approximatily as high for the volumes 1955-1989 as the following 10 years. In addition the manner of the assignement depends clearly on the respective editors. It is in any case planned to standardize and complete the key words in the future.However each article must be read again and this requires some time.
The data base can be corrected by the users as well. Please send a notice to the authors (l.a. addresses). In the case of errors in the list, the appropriate serial number "LFDNR" should be always indicated. A notification could look as follows:
- error in 2012: the author is "Meier, E."
- additinal key words:
the key word "Hessen" for LFDNR 2012
the key word "Feier" for LFDNR 2012
the key word "Jubiläum" for LFDNR 2012
the key word "Ehrung" for LFDNR 2012
Carsten Wortmann (editor of the journal "Der Präparator") and Jens Cordes (webmaster of the VDP) are ready to support this project and to pass on new information in the future (therefore tehe database for 1999 and 2000 in lacking). We are grateful to Mrs. B. Bossert (Frankfurt/M.) for their help.
The data base is retrievable in the following way:
- As a requestable Internet data base
This is still in preparation and we will offer two pages:
1st. a contents register for each volume
2nd. a query form, to test the data collection with a key word
We have to work again on the data base so that the time for a query isnn't too long.
- As a data bank file for the privat use
All the files are compressed as ZIP. If you have no software for the extraction, please download it on
The data base is splitted into two files:
1st. "Artikel" [=arcticle] contains a list of all quotations, each record has its own serial number ("LFDNR").
2nd. "Stichwoerter" [=key words] contains a list of all key words, wich can be combined by the use of the serial number ("LFDNR").
Because of the use of very differnt software, the data base is saved in this simple way.
We offer the following data formats:
- Text file (ANSI) for data bank programs in Windows
The columns are separated by ";" (ecl. numbers) and a full record by pressing RETURN. This data format is readable in Access, Paradox, Excel, etc. e.g.
- Download of the data base of quotations: [72 kb] - Last saved: Jun. 03 1999
Strukture: author / year / title / journal / volume / issue / page(s) / place / serial number LFDNR / sequence
- Download the data base of key words: [70 kb] - - Last saved: Jun. 03 1999
Strukture: key word / serial number LFDNR / year
- Text file (ASCII) for data bank programs in MS-DOS
The columns are separated by "," (ecl. numbers) and a full record by pressing RETURN.
- Download of the data base of quotations: [72 kb] - Last saved: Jun. 03 1999
Struktur: author / year / title / journal / volume / issue / page(s) / place / serial number LFDNR / sequence
- Download the data base of key words: [70 kb] - - Last saved: Jun. 03 1999
Struktur: key word / serial number LFDNR / year
- Access 97 Windows
- Download of the data base: [400 kb] - Last saved: Jun. 03 1999
- Als Text-Dateien
For those, who have no experience with the use of a data bank programm, the data base is also available in a simple text format (as RTF). It is possible to open the files with a text program, like MS-Word. Unfortunately you have no direct acces to the combination of key words and quotations, but you can search it by typing "Ctrl+F" in Windows.
- Download of the text file of quotations: [91 kb] - Last saved: Jun. 03 1999
- Download of the text file of key words: [89 kb] - Last saved: Jun. 03 1999
H.G. Lippmann
Geological Preparator
Amselweg 9
D-64367 Mühltal
Tel. + 49 - (0)6151 - 145110
F. Geller-Grimm
Taxidermist & Biologist
Museum Wiesbaden [MWNH]
Department of Natural Sciences
Friedrich-Ebert-Allee 2
65185 Wiesbaden
Tel. + 49 - (0)611 - 335 2178
Fax + 49 - (0)611 - 335 2192
Taking the journal "Der Präparator":
Carsten Wortmann
Nieders. Landesmuseum
Am Maschpark 5
30169 Hannover
Tel: 0511-9807868
Fax: 0511-9807880
Wittekindstr. 10
30449 Hannover
Tel: 0511-4581670
Price: yearly subscription DM 40,-; foreign countries DM 48,-