Cophura *
Cophura Osten Sacken, 1887
[Dasypogoninae: Isopogonini]
Australian & Oceania
Osten-Sacken, C.R. (1887): Diptera Fam. Asilidae. - IN: Godman,F.D./Salvin,O.: Biologia Centrali-Americana, Zoologia-Insecta. - London: 167-213, pl. 3 [181].
Type species:
Cophura sodalis Osten-Sacken, 1887: 181
Blax Loew, 1871; Blacodes Loew, 1874; Loewiella Williston, 1896; Buckellia Curran, 1925
Melander, A.L. (1923): Studies in Asilidae (Diptera). - Psyche. A Journal of Entomology. Cambridge Entomological Club 30(6): 207-219; Cambridge [key]. Curran, C.H. (1931): New American Asilidae (Diptera) II. - American Museum Novitates 487: 25 pp.; New York [key]. Pritchard, A.E. (1943): Revision of the genus Cophura Osten Sacken (Diptera: Asilidae). - Annals of the Entomological Society of America 36: 281-309; Columbus [key]. Wilcox, J. (1959): The clausa group of Cophura Osten Sacken (Diptera: Asilidae). - Bulletin of the Brooklyn Entomological Society 54(4): 121-127; New York - Lancaster [key]. Wilcox, J. (1965): New Cophura, with revised keys to the groups and to the Nearctic species (Diptera: Asilidae). - Annals of the Entomological Society of America 58: 805-816; Columbus [key].
Nearctic species:
- Cophura albosetosa Hine, 1908
- Cophura ameles Pritchard, 1943
- Cophura arizonensis (Schaeffer, 1916)
- Cophura bella (Loew, 1872)
- Cophura brevicornis (Williston, 1883)
- Cophura brevicornis flavus Wilcox, 1965
- Cophura brevicornis luteus Wilcox, 1965
- Cophura brevicornis melanochaeta Melander, 1923
- Cophura brevicornis rubidus Wilcox, 1965
- Cophura caca Pritchard, 1943
- Cophura clausa (Coquillett, 1893)
- Cophura dammersi Wilcox, 1965
- Cophura dora Pritchard, 1943
- Cophura ferugsoni Wilcox, 1965
- Cophura fisheri Wilcox, 1965
- Cophura fur (Williston, 1885)
- Cophura getzendaneri Wilcox, 1959
- Cophura hennei Wilcox & Martin, 1945
- Cophura hesperia (Pritchard, 1935)
- Cophura hurdi Hull, 1960
- Cophura lutzi Curran, 1931
- Cophura painteri Pritchard, 1943
- Cophura pollinosa Curran, 1930
- Cophura powersi Wilcox, 1965
- Cophura rozeni Wilcox, 1965
- Cophura scitula (Williston, 1883)
- Cophura sculleni Wilcox, 1937
- Cophura sodalis Osten-Sacken, 1887
- Cophura stylosa Curran, 1931
- Cophura tanbarki Wilcox, 1965
- Cophura texana Bromley, 1934
- Cophura timberlakei Wilcox, 1965
- Cophura tolandi Wilcox, 1959
- Cophura trunca (Coquillett, 1893)
- Cophura vanduzeei Wilcox, 1965
- Cophura vandykei Wilcox, 1965
- Cophura vera (Pritchard, 1935)
- Cophura vitripennis (Curran, 1927)
Cophura brevicornis (Williston, 1883)
- male -
Founded on:
Wilcox, J. (1965): New Cophura, with revised keys to the groups and to the Nearctic species (Diptera: Asilidae). - Annals of the Entomological Society of America 58: 805-816; Columbus. [amended]
Anal cell of wing closed and usually short-petiolate.
Anal cell open.
Hind coxae with conspicuous tubercle on its anterior side. Abdomen and wings largely brown, or abdomen black and wings largely hyaline.
Hind coxae without tubercle. Abdomen black with yellowish margins or largely yellowish. Basal two-thirds of wings brown, apical one-third hyaline.
Wings hyaline or essentially so. Abdomen black, females largely pollinose and males with varied pollinose patterns. Scutellum wholly pollinose . . . . . clausa group
Wings largely brown. Abdomen largely reddish-brown, sides narrowly pollinose in both sexes. Posterior half of scutellum bare of pollen except at middle. Length 6-9 mm . . . . . Cophura bella (Loew, 1872) [TX, AZ, NM, MEX, JAL, NAY, SIL]
Scutellum wholly pollinose with (males) or without (females) slender marginal bristles. Males with strong anterior and posterior dorsocentral bristles, females with posterior dorsocentrals. Abdomen yellowish, sides white-pollinose. Legs vary from largely black to largely reddish. Length 5-8 mm . . . . . Cophura sodalis Osten-Sacken, 1887 [MEX, SON, AZ, NM?, TX?]
Posterior margin of scutellum bare of pollen, with long marginal hairs. Dorsocentral bristles absent. Abdomen reddish-brown, sides white-pollinose. Legs yellowish, tips of tibiae and tarsomeres black. Length 6-8 mm . . . . . Cophura sculleni Wilcox, 1937 [AZ, NM, TX]
Scutellum wholly pollinose.
Scutellum with posterior margin or disc largely bare of pollen.
Mystax composed of strong bristles reaching to antennae. Third vein* of wing branched before discal crossvein* and usually with stump vein* . . . . . trunca group
Bristles of mystax confined to ral margin, fine short hairs above usually do not reach antennae. Third vein* branched beyond discal crossvein* and without stump vein* . . . . . fur group
Disc of scutellum largely bare of pollen, the posterior margin narrowly pollinose . . . . . vanduzeei group
Basal half or more of scutellum pollinose, posterior margin bare of pollen.
Mystax composed of fine hairs as long as scape and pedicel combined and extending to antennae. Oral bristles present in some females. Usually only posterior corners of abdominal segments pollinose . . . . . albosetosa group
Mystax composed mainly of oral bristles, hairs above short and inconspicuous. Anterior margins and posterior corners of at least serveral abdominal segments pollinose.
Scutum anteriorly with short fine sparse hairs. Narrow posterior margin of scutellum bare of pollen and with short fine hairs. Abdomen smooth . . . . . painteri group
Scutum anetriorly with dense short hairs. Broad posterior margin of scutellum bare of pollen and with short bristles or strong hairs. Abdomen punctate . . . . . brevicornis group
clausa group
Wings infuscated or clouded on crossveins and furcations. Basal one-third of abdominal segment 1 pollinose.
Wings hyaline, yellowish in basal cells of some males. Sides only of abdominal segment 1 pollinose.
Male abdomen with narrow anterior pollinose fasciae, posterior fasciae broadly interrupted. Scutellum wholly pollinose, its marginal bristles cruciate. Length 6-8 mm . . . . . Cophura clausa (Coquillett, 1893) [CA]
Male abdomen with broad anterior and posterior pollinose fasciae, entire or nearly so on most segments. Scutellum with narrow bare spot on disc at middle, marginal bristles tend to separate rather than cross. Length 8-9 mm . . . . . Cophura hennei Wilcox & Martin, 1945 [CA]
Scutellum with discal hairs, marginal bristles twice as long as scutellum. Basal half to three-quarter of tibiae yellowish. 2-4 strong anterior dorsocentral bristles. Male wings usually yellowish basally. Length 6-9 mm . . . . . Cophura getzendaneri Wilcox, 1959 [CA, AZ, MEX, BCF]
Scutellum without discal hairs, marginal bristles subequal in length to scutellum. Dorsum of tibiae reddish. No strong anterior dorsocentral bristles. Wings of both sexes hyaline. Length 4-7 mm . . . . . Cophura tolandi Wilcox, 1959 [CA, AZ, MEX, BCF]
trunca group
Bristles on antennae, ocella tubercle, and scutum, and the two scutellar bristles, black. Abdomen with lateral bristles on segment 1. Wings brownish along veins and on crossveins and furcations. Length 8-10 mm . . . . . Cophura trunca (Coquillett, 1893) (= C. highlandica Cole, 1916) [CA]
Bristles mentioned above white. Four or more scutellar bristles.
Abdomen with large bristles on male segments 1-4, female 1-3. 6-10 scutellar bristles. Basal two-thirds of male wings brown, female with faint brown clouds on crossveins and furcations. Femora black, tibiae reddish, tarsomeres brown. Length 9-10 mm . . . . . Cophura dammersi Wilcox, 1965 [CA, MEX, BCF]
Abdomen at most with lateral bristles on segments 1-2.
Abdomen with lateral bristles on segment 1. Usually 4 scutellar bristles. Wings with small, brown clouds on crossveins and furcations, stump vein present. Tibiae black, brownish dorsally. Anterior fasciae and posterior pollinose spots confluent on most abdominal segments. Length 7-8 mm . . . . . Cophura timberlakei Wilcox, 1965 [CA]
Lateral bristles on abdominal segments 1-2. Fasciae and posterior spots widely separated. 4-6 scutellar bristles. Wings hyaline, usually without stump vein. Tibiae reddish basally. Length 7-9 mm . . . . . Cophura fisheri Wilcox, 1965 [CA, AZ, NV]
fur group
Femora yellowish basally or wholly reddish-brown.
Femora largely black.
Legs yellow, tips of femora above, apex of tibiae and of tarsomeres, black. Wings hyaline, veins yellowish. Sides of abdomen densely gray-pollinose. 4 long white marginal hairs on scutellum. Length 8-9 mm . . . . . Cophura dora Pritchard, 1943 [NE, AZ, CA, NV, TX, UT, NM, KS?]
Legs reddish-brown. Wings infuscated, veins brown.
Basal two-thirds of the male wings brown, female evenly infuscated but somewhat lighter on basal one-third. Scutellum with short sparse hairs on disc and posterior margin. Sides and posterior margins interrupted at middle by one-third width of abdomen, gray pollinose. Length 11-12 mm . . . . . Cophura vandykei Wilcox, 1965 [CA, AZ]
Wings light brown apically, darker on the crossveins and furcations. Scutellum with 2 strong marginal bristles.
Sides of abdominal segments 1-7 pale brownish-white-pollinose, 5-6 with large subtriangular spots. Basal one-third of wings hyaline, apically with hyaline spots in marginal and posterior cells 1-2. Style one-half length of postpedicel. Length 7 mm . . . . . Cophura hurdi Hull, 1960 [CA]
Sides of male abdominal segments 1-7, widened on posterior corners of 2-6 and anterior margins of 1-6, gray-pollinose, female similar on 1-6 and 1-5. Style one-quarter length of postpedicel. Wings infuscated with small brown spots on corssveins and furcations. Length 6-7 mm . . . . . Cophura ferugsoni Wilcox, 1965 [CA]
Abdomen largely shining black dorsally.
Abdomen entirely pollinose except apical female segments.
Basal half of tibiae yellowish. Abdomen laterally gray- and dorsal anterior half of segments brownish-pollinose. Large central portion of scutum brownish-pollinose. Length 7-10 mm . . . . . Cophura texana Bromley, 1934 [TX, OK]
Legs black. Sides of abdomen cinereous-pollinose, projecting inward on each segment.
Abdominal pollen extending inward on anterior margins, connected on segments 2-4. Wings hyaline, veins yellowish. Length 9 mm . . . . . Cophura ameles Pritchard, 1943 [NM]
Abdominal pollen extending inward on posterior margins, not connected on any segments. Wings hyaline, brownish apically, veins brown. Length 7-9 mm . . . . . Cophura fur (Williston, 1885) [AZ, CA, NV]
Humeri with short, erect bristles. Legs black, basal one-quarter or more of fore and middle tibiae reddish. Sides and posterior margins of abdominal segments gray-pollinose, dorsally subshining brown-pollinose. Halteres red. Length 6-11 mm . . . . . Cophura arizonensis (Schaeffer, 1916) (= Buckellia drakei Pritchard, 1935) [AZ, NM, MEX, SON]
Humeri without bristles or hairs.
Scutellum with 2 marginal bristles.
Scutellum with 3 or more marginal bristles.
Femora apically, fore and middle tibiae, and hind tibiae except tip, reddish. Scutum with central stripe and intermediate area shing black. 2 scutellar bristles. Wings hyaline. Length 8-12 mm . . . . . Cophura stylosa Curran, 1931 [OK, CO, KS, TX]
Femora black, tibiae reddish except tips. Scutum with central stripe and intermediate area brown-pollinose. 1-2 scutellar bristles. Wings brown on apical 3/5*, especially anteriorly. Length 8-10 mm . . . . . Cophura hesperia (Pritchard, 1935) [AZ]
Five or six scutellar and 3-4 short anterior dorsocentral bristles. Wings hyaline, anterior crossvein before middle of discal cell. Tibiae yellowish on about the basal half. Length 7-10 mm . . . . . Cophura lutzi Curran, 1931 (= Buckellia wilcoxi Pritchard, 1935) [CO, AZ, NM, TX, OK]
Three or four scutellar bristles and no anterior dorsocentrals.
Scutum with central stripe, intermediate spots and anterior margin of abdominal segment 2 bare of pollen. Basdal fouth of tibiae reddish. Length 7-8 mm . . . . . Cophura vera (Pritchard, 1935) [AZ]
Scutum with central stripe and intermediate soits brown-pollinose but sometimes partly denuded. Abdominal segment 2 entirely gray-pollinose. Basalthree-quarter* of the tibiae reddish. Length 8-10 mm . . . . . Cophura pollinosa Curran, 1930 [AZ, UT, NM, TX?, KS?, MEX?]
vanduzzei group
Scutellum with 2 brownish marginal bristles. Anterior grayish-pollinose fasciae on abdominal segments 2-5 or 2-6. Wings infuscated, intensified on crossveins and furcations. Legs brownish, tibiae apically and tarsomeres darker. Length 6-7 mm . . . . . Cophura vanduzeei Wilcox, 1965 [CA]
Scutellum with about 4 white marginal hairs. Sides of abdominal segments 2-3 anteriorly gray-pollinose. Wings lightly infuscated. Legs black, basal twi-thirds of tibiae brown. Length 5-6 mm . . . . . Cophura tanbarki Wilcox, 1965 [CA, MEX, BCF]
albosetosa group
Legs yellow basal tree-quaters of femora and tips of tibiae black or brownish. Bristles yellowish, posterior dosrocentrals present. Wings hyaline. Length 7 mm . . . . . Cophura vitripennis (Curran, 1927) [BCA, MT, ID, WY]
Legs entirely black. Dorsocentral bristles hairlike.
Mystax, hairs of frons, ocellar tubercle, and antennae white to yellowish. Wings hyaline, costal cell brown, first basal cell* with brown steak in males. Length 7-8 mm . . . . . Cophura albosetosa Hine, 1908 [BCA, WA, OR, UT]
Mystax and hairs mentioned above black to brown. Wings hyaline, with small, brown clouds on crossveins and fircations. Length 5.5-11 mm . . . . . Cophura scitula (Williston, 1883) (= C. cyrtopogona Cole in Cole & Lovett, 1919) [WA, OR, UT, BCA]
painteri group
Abdomen largely grayish-white-pollinose, the anterior bands confluent with the posterior spots on segments 3-4. Femora black to bown, yellowish at base and apex. Wings hyaline, veins light brown, anterior crossvein at 15/23 length of discal cell. Length 7 mm . . . . . Cophura rozeni Wilcox, 1965 [CA]
Pollen on posterior corners and anterior margins of most abdominal segments widely separated.
Femora black, basal two-thirds of tibiae yellowish. Narrow anterior margins of abdominal segments 1-5 and posterior corners of 2-5 or 6, gray-pollinose. Style slender, one-quarter length of postpedicel. Length 7-8 mm . . . . . Cophura powersi Wilcox, 1965 [CA]
Legs brown, fore and mid femora sometimes largely black. Broad anterior margins of abdominal segments 2-5 indistinctly, posterior corners distinctly gray-pollinose. Style truncate, about one-ninth length of postpedicel. Length 6-8 mm . . . . . Cophura painteri Pritchard, 1943 [AZ, CA, MEX, SON, BCF, NM]
brevicornis group
Legs yellowish-red.
Femora at least, largely black.
Abdomen black, female with pollinose spots on hind angles of segments 1-5, male 1-5, and anterior fasciae on 2-4, male 2-5. Apical one-third of scutellum bare, 2 black marginal bristles as long as scutellum. Wings light brown. Length 6-10 mm . . . . . Cophura brevicornis (Williston, 1883) [WA, NE, CA, CO, OR, UT, BCA, NV, WY, ID]
Abdomen yellowish-red, sides of segment 1, posterior corners and anterior fasciae on 2-5 in both sexes, grayish-pollinose. Broad margin of scutellum bare but narrowed at middle, 2 bristles as long as scape, pedicel and postpedicel combined. Wings hyaline. Length 8-8 mm . . . . . Cophura brevicornis luteus Wilcox, 1965 [CA]
Apical one-quarter of scutellum bare of pollen, bristles on posterior amrgin subequal in length to scape.
Apical two-fifths of scutellum bare of pollen, marginal bristles as long as antennal segments 1-2.
Abdomen black. Wings light yellowish-brown, anterior crossvein at 11/17 length of discal cell in female. Hairs on anterior side of hind tibiae white. Length 8-10 mm . . . . . Cophura caca Pritchard, 1943 [NM]
Abdomen riddish-brown. Wings light brown with lighter spots within the cells, anterior crossvein at 26/35 length of discal cell in females, 21/30 in males. Hairs on anterior side of hind tibiae black. Length 7-10 mm . . . . . Cophura brevicornis rubidus Wilcox, 1965 [CA]
Scape and pedicel yellowish. Sides of abdominal segment 1 and posterior corners and anterior fasciae of 2-5 gray-pollinose. Tibiae and tarsomeres reddish-brown to yellowish. Wings light brown, aneterior crossvein at 30/39 length of discal cell in females, 25/35 in males. Length 7-11 mm . . . . . Cophura brevicornis flavus Wilcox, 1965 [CA]
Antennae black. Pollinose markings confined to abdominal segments 1-5 in females, 1-5 in males. Tibiae and tarsomeres black to dark reddish-brown. Wings brown in males, light brown in females, anterior crossvein at two-thirds length of discal cell in females, three-fifths in males. Length 6-9 mm . . . . . Cophura brevicornis melanochaeta Melander, 1923 [ID, MT, CA]
Contents: © Fritz Geller-Grimm, Jorge N. Artigas, 2007
Layout & images: © Fritz Geller-Grimm, 2007