
Robert-Bunsen-Str. 22
D-65929 Frankfurt a.M.
Museum Wiesbaden
Hessisches Landesmuseum für Kunst und Natur
Naturhistorische Sammlungen (MWNH)
Friedrich-Ebert-Allee 2
D-65185 Wiesbaden
Tel. + 49 - (0)611 - 335 2178
Fax + 49 - (0)611 - 335 2192

Museum Wiesbaden

- museology, collection management, exhibitions
- systematics, zoogeography, entomology

- biology of robber flies (Diptera: Asilidae)

- International Council of Museums [Internationaler Museumsrat] (Paris) - ICOM
- Deutscher Museumsbund [German Museums Association] (Berlin) - DMB
- Deutsche Gesellschaft für allgemeine und angewandte Entomologie (Eberswalde) - DGaaE
- Internationaler Entomologischer Verein (Frankfurt a.M.) - IEV
- Entomologischer Verein Apollo (Frankfurt a.M.) - Apollo
- Nassauischer Verein für Naturkunde (Wiesbaden) - NVfN
- Senckenbergische Naturforschende Gesellschaft (Frankfurt a.M.) - SNG
- Verein für Naturforschung und Landespflege Pollichia (Bad Dürkheim) - Pollichia
- Wikimedia Deutschland (Frankfurt am Main)

- Crobilocerus engeli GELLER-GRIMM & HRADSKÝ, 1999 [from Turkey]
- Crobilocerus spinosus persianus GELLER-GRIMM & HRADSKÝ, 1999 [from Iran]
- Damalis kassebeeri GELLER-GRIMM, 1997 [from Sri Lanka]
- Dysmachus safranboluticus HASBENLI & GELLER-GRIMM, 1999 [from Turkey]
- Dysmachus suludereae HASBENLI & GELLER-GRIMM, 1999 [from Turkey]
- Eremonotus hauseri GELLER-GRIMM & HRADSKÝ, 1998 [from Morocco]
- Eutolmus maximus HRADSKÝ & GELLER-GRIMM, 1998 [from Vietnam]
- Goneccalypsis gooti HRADSKÝ & GELLER-GRIMM, 2000 [from Spain]
- Grypoctonus engeli HRADSKÝ & GELLER-GRIMM, 1999 [from India]
- Habropogon hauseri HRADSKÝ & GELLER-GRIMM, 2005 [from Morocco]
- Habropogon theodori HRADSKÝ & GELLER-GRIMM, 2005 [from Israel]
- Ichneumolaphria schachti GELLER-GRIMM, 1997 [from Brasil]
- Leptarthrus krali HRADSKÝ & GELLER-GRIMM, 1997 [from China]
- Mactea chinensis HRADSKÝ & GELLER-GRIMM, 2003 [from China]
- Mactea matsumurai HRADSKÝ & GELLER-GRIMM, 2003 [from Japan]
- Molobratia youngi GELLER-GRIMM, 2005 [from South Korea]
- Oligopogon anatolicus GELLER-GRIMM & HRADSKÝ, 2003 [from Turkey]
- Oligopogon creticus GELLER-GRIMM & HRADSKÝ, 2003 [from Greece - Crete]
- Oligopogon graecus GELLER-GRIMM & HRADSKÝ, 2003 [from Greece]
- Oligopogon londti GELLER-GRIMM & HRADSKÝ, 2003 [from Turkey]
- Oligopogon rufus GELLER-GRIMM & HRADSKÝ, 2003 [from Turkey]
- Paraphamartania stukei GELLER-GRIMM, 1997 [from Spain]
- Rhadinus socotrae GELLER-GRIMM, 2002 [from Socotra, Yemen]
- Stichopogon bedae HRADSKÝ & GELLER-GRIMM, 1996 [from Canary Islands]
- Stiphrolamyra vitai HRADSKÝ & GELLER-GRIMM, 1997 [from Algeria]
- Tolmerus socotrae GELLER-GRIMM, 2002 [from Socotra, Yemen]
- Tolmerus wraniki GELLER-GRIMM, 2002 [from Socotra, Yemen]
- Trichardis pohli GELLER-GRIMM, 2002 [from Socotra, Yemen]
Taxa dedicated
- Rhacholaemus grimmi Londt, 1999 (Diptera: Asilidae) [from South Africa]
- Habropogon grimmi Bosák & Hradský, 2008 (Diptera: Asilidae) [from Portugal]
- Cophura gellergrimmi Papavero, 2009 (Diptera: Asilidae) [from Venezuela]
- Gellergrimmellus Stuke, 2019 (Diptera: Conopidae) [from China]
- Gellergrimmellus fritzi Stuke, 2019 (Diptera: Conopidae) [from China]
- Polytrichophora gellergrimmi Stuke, 2021 (Diptera: Ephydridae) [from Croatia]

1986 - 1988 |
Vestibule school training at the 'Berufsfachschule für präparationstechnische Assistenten' (Bochum), exmined as qualified taxidermist |
1988 - 1991 |
Basic studies at the Philipps-Universitity of Marburg, examiners: Prof. Dr. Buchholtz (Zoology), Prof. Dr. Bertsch (Botany), Prof. Dr. Frenkling (Chemistry) and Prof. Dr. Melsheimer (Physics). |
1991 - 1995 |
Main studies at the Technical University of Darmstadt, examiners: Prof. Dr. Himstedt (Zoology), Prof. Dr. Kinzelbach (Ecology), Prof. Dr. Buschinger (Entomology) and Prof. Dr. Bargon (Soil Science) |
1995 |
Thesis submitted for a diploma as biologist |
Professional Experience: |
1996 |
Contract with the 'Senckenbergische Naturforschende Gesellschaft', revising the collection of Asilidae at the SMFD (Senckenberg Museum of Nature), Frankfurt a.M. |
1997 |
Temporary employee at the 'Museum Wiesbaden' (MWNH), Natural History Collections |
1998 |
Temporary employee at the University of Marburg, Institute of Biology (Prof. Dr. Bohle) - project Elbe and the Institute of Environmental Hygienics (Prof. Dr. Gemsa) |
1999 |
Full-time employee at the 'Hessisches Landesmuseum Darmstadt' (HLMD), Department of Zoology |
Oct. 1999 |
Full-time employee at the 'Museum Wiesbaden' (MWNH), Natural History Collections |
Feb. 2002 |
Curator of the Natural History Collections of the 'Museum Wiesbaden' (MWNH) |
Dec. 2009 |
Head of the Natural History Department 'Museum Wiesbaden' (MWNH) |
Jun. 2024 |
Curator of the Natural History Department 'Museum Wiesbaden' (MWNH) |
last saved: 2011