Please add new information. The following list is not complete, some of the citations are lacking in the database (please wait for an update).
- Ansorge, J. (1996): Insekten aus dem oberen Lias von Grimmen (Vorpommern, Norddeutschland). - *Neue Palaonotologische Abhandlungen 2: 1-132 ( 79-105), pls. 1-17; ?.
- Artigas, J.N. (1996): Martintella a new name for Martinella Artigas y Papavero, 1995 (Diptera, Asilidae). - Boletin de la Sociedad de Biologia de Concepcion 67: 75; Concepcion.
- Bächli, G. & Rezbanyai-Reser, L. (1996): Schweizer Raubfliegen aus der Kollektion des Natur-Museums Luzern (Diptera: Asilidae). - Entomologische Berichte Luzern 35: 23-30; Luzern.
- Bloxham, M. (1996): Entomology report. - *Sandnats 18(3): 22-24; ?.
- Bosák, J. (1996): Interesting findings of robber-flies (Diptera, Asilidae) in southern Moravia. - Sbornik Prirodovedného kluba v Uh. Hradisti 1: 78-79.
- Bosák, J. (1996): Poznámky k roupcum (Asilidae, Diptera) Slovenska [Notes to robber flies (Asilidae, Diptera) of the Slovak Republic]. - Acta Musealia, rada B, cislo 7 (Muzeum jihovychodni Moravy ve Zline): 1-23.
- Cannings, R.A. (1996): Taxonomy and distribution of Lasiopogon montanus Schiner and L. bellardi Jaennicke (Diptera: Asilidae), two common robber flies from the mountains of Western and Central Europe. - Entomologica scandinavica 27(3): 347-359; Copenhagen. Internet
- Dunk, K. von der (1996): Bestimmungsschlüssel für Raubfliegen (Dipt., Asilidae). - Galathea. Berichte des Kreises Nürnberger Entomologen 12(4): 131-146; Nürnberg.
- Dunk, K. von der & Amon, F.J. (1996): Kommentierte Insektenliste des Altdorfer Sandgebietes am Ostrand des Nürnberger Reichswald. - Galathea. Berichte des Kreises Nürnberger Entomologen 12(1): 33-44; Nürnberg.
- Fernandez Vazquez, A.M. & Rodriguez Velazquez, D. (1996): Registros nuevos del genero Ommatius (Dipter: Asilidae) para Cuba. [New records of the genus Ommatius (Diptera: Asilidae) in Cuba]. - *Cocuyo 5, Sept.1996: 10-11; ?.
- Geller-Grimm, F. (1996): Faunistische Bearbeitung der Raubfliegen Hessens (Diptera: Asilidae). - Mitteilungen der Pollichia 83: 243-282; Bad Dürkheim. Internet
- Geller-Grimm, F. & Geisthardt, M. (1996): The courtship behavior of Promachus latitarsatus (Diptera: Asilidae). - Mitteilungen des Internationalen Entomologischen Vereins 21(1/2): 21-24; Frankfurt a.M. Internet
- Helsdingen, P.J. van (1996): A annotated list of the Wiedemann types in the Leiden Museum. - Studia dipterologica 3(2): 171-193; Halle.
- Hradský, M. & Geller-Grimm, F. (1996): Eine neue Stichopogon-Art von den Kanarischen Inseln (Diptera: Asilidae) [A new Stichopogon species from the Canary Islands (Diptera, Asilidae)]. - Studia dipterologica 3(2): 365-367; Halle. Internet
- Hubbard, A.C. (1996): Suffolk robber flies (Asilidae). - *Suffolk Natural History 32: 32-34; ?.
- Kovár, I. & Hradský, M. (1996): A new species of the genus Andrenosoma Rondani from the Canary Islands (Insecta: Diptera: Asilidae). - Reichenbachia. Schriftenreihe für taxonomische Entomologie 31(40): 225-228; Dresden.
- Kunkel, B.A. & Hastings, J.M. (1996): Intersexual differences in feeding frequency and prey size in the robber fly Promachus albifacies (Diptera: Asilidae): possible influence of male mating behavior. - *Transactions of the Kentucky Academy of Science 57(1): 1-5; ?.
- Lehr, P.A. (1996): Robber flies of subfamily Asilinae (Diptera, Asilidae) of Palaearctic - ecological and morphological analysis, taxonomy and evolution. - Vladivostok: Russian Academy of Sciences: 184 pp., 10 pls.
- Londt, J.G.H. (1996): Afrotropical Asilidae (Diptera) 28. A review of the genus Oxynoton Janssens, 1951 and its transfer from the subfamily Trigonomiminae to the Stenopogoninae. - Annals of the Natal Museum 37: 173-181; Pietermaritzburg.
- Nagatomi, A. (1996): An essay on phylogeny of the orthorrhaphous Brachycera (Diptera). - The Entomologist's Monthly Magazine 132: 95-148; London.
- O'Neill, K.M. & Seibert, C. (1996): Foraging behavior of the robber fly Megaphorus willistoni (Cole) (Diptera: Asilidae). - Journal of the Kansas entomological Society 69: 317-325; Manhattan - Lawrence.
- Poole, R.W. (1996): Nomina Insecta Nearctica, a Check List of the Insects of North America. Volume 3: (Diptera, Lepidoptera, Siphonaptera). - *Entomological Information Services (PO Box 4350, Rockville, Maryland, 20849-4350): ?.
- Reichwein, J.F. & Eck, A.P.W. van (1996): Asilidae (Roofvliegen). - In: Zuijlen, J.W. van (at al., Eds.): Brand-Stof. - Tilburg: Insektenwerkgroep K.N.N.V. - afdeling Tilburg: (p.40).
- Scarbrough, A.G. (1996): The genus Leptogaster (Diptera: Asilidae) from the West Indies. - Entomological News 107(4): 193-206; Vincentown.
- Scarbrough, A.G. & Marascia, C.G. (1996): Status of the genus Emphysomera Schiner, 1866 (Diptera: Asilidae), with a synopsis of Afrotropical species. - Annals of the Natal Museum 37: 191-213; Pietermaritzburg.
- Stoks, R. & Bruyn, L. De (1996): Intensive feeding of the robberfly Eutolmus rufibarbis (Diptera Asilidae) on the damselflies Enallagma cyathigerum and Lestes sponsa (Odonata). Bulletin & Annales de la Societé royale Belge d'Entomologie 132: 427-431; Bruxelles.
- Tomasovic, G. (1996): Notes sur les Asilidae paléarctiques (Diptera, Brachycera, Asilidae) (1 - 3). - Bulletin & Annales de la Societe royale Belge d'Entomologie 132: 161-164; Bruxelles.
- Tomasovic, G. (1996): Laphria ephippium (Fabricius, 1781): Un insecte remarquable dans la Reserve Naturelle de la Warchenne (Diptera, Asilidae: Laphriinae). - Les Naturalistes Verviétois. Bulletin Trimestriel septembre 3: 57-58; Verviers.
- Veen, M. van (1996): De roofvliegen van Nederland. - Stichting Uitgeverij Koninklijke Nederlandse Natuurhistorische Vereniging 216: 120 pp.; Utrecht.
- Wagner, T. (1996): Zusammensetzung der baumbewohnenden Arthropodenfauna in Wäldern Zentralafrikas; mit Anmerkungen zur Nebelmethode und zum Morphotypen-Verfahren. - Mitteilungen des Internationalen Entomologischen Vereins 21(1/2): 25-42 (35); Frankfurt a.M.
- Weinberg, M. (1996): Note concernant la présence des asilides (Diptera, Asilidae) dans le Parc National Retezat (Roumanie). - Travaux du Museum d'Histoire Naturelle `Grigore Antipa' 36: 251-253; Bucuresti.
- Weinberg, M. & Hofmann, C. & Bächli, G. (1996): Les asilides suisses (Diptera: Asilidae) de la collection du Musée de zoologie de Lausanne (Suisse). - Bulletin romand d'Entomologie 14(1): 51-71; Lausanne - Geneve - Neuchatel.