Coll. Geller-Grimm: Coleoptera
The Natural History Collections owns a special collection on the beetles of the State Hessen. It contains specimens from the Coll. Kirschbaum and other entomologists and based on a collection of the duchy of Nassau. Unfortunately this project stopped in the mid of the last century.
The Senckenberg museum developed a collection of the beetles of Hessen in the meantime, which is supported by the coleopterologists study-group of Hessen. This webpage will inform all entomologists, which are working on this subject, so the Wiesbaden collection will be considered in the future.
Now Fritz Geller-Grimm has donated his beetle colletion to the Museum Wiesbaden in 2002, which contains a lot of material from Hessen as well. In addition he offered a bibliography for the beetles of Hessens.
We hope for intensive studies on the Wiebaden colletcion and will invite you to come. We have an interesting collection, optical instruiments, and an extensive library.
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