Genera Literature Translations -
predator-prey database

Sorry - The searchable database is closed down by the provider for a month - a revival is in preparation.

Download the Catalog of Species (7,187 records, 600 kb) and Abbreviations (5 kb)

genus + species + author:
species: Asilus barbarus
synonyms: sinis
distribution: /TUN/
To find the abbreviation of the county:
The headline of the offered answer is in German (a handicap of the provider). You can save the result with your browser software (as a *.htm file). Use the "Back" key of your browser software, if you want to submit another query.
Help - - - - - Examples of searches for ...
» a species: For "Asilus barbarus", either "Asilus barbarus" or "barba" may be used (in the field "species" or "synonyms").
» all species of one genus: For all species of Asilus, type "Asilus" (in the field "genus")
» all species of a country: Type "TUN", if you search for all Tunisian species (in the field "distribution"). A query form for the abbreviations of the countries is available on the right side. It's impossible to quest the database for more than one country simultaneously, because all abbreviations are listed in one column.
Be aware of the size of the database (7,187 records), because of the size of the database, a search may require several seconds. In order to have quicker access to the database, use the downloading. This database includes information on all species of Asilidae. It's possible that some information is lacking. I will thank you in advance for your comments.

Download the Catalog of Species (size: 600 kb) and Abbreviations (size: 5 kb)

The Catalog of Species includes the following columns: (1) genus species author - (2) synonyms - (3) distribution.
A new Catalog of the Nearctic region is under construction by Dr. E. Fisher - contact him.    
The Catalog of Abbreviations includes the following columns: (1+2). abbreviation - (3) country. Also, have a look at the Webpage of Abbreviations (as HTML) and the Map. Some abbreviations are modified (especially those of the Nearctic region.

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Compiled by: F. Geller-Grimm