Includes: |
Translations of different papers, provided and translated by F. Geller-Grimm and L. Ratka [mainly the keys are translated]
- Esipenko, P.A. (1971): New species of Robber Flies of genus Dioctria Meig. (Diptera, Asilidae) of fauna of Far East. - *Sbornik trud. Dalnevosto. Nauch. -Issleledov. Inst. Les. Khoz. 11: 192-202, ?. [Russian to German]
- Hradský, M. & Hüttinger, E. (1985): Das Genus Eutolmus LOEW, 1848, in der östlichen Paläarktis (Diptera, Asilidae) [The genus Eutolmus LOEW, 1848, in the Eastern Palaearctic (Diptera, Asilidae)]. - Entomofauna. Zeitschrift für Entomologie 6(13): 165-187; Ansfelden. [Key to the species: German to English]
- Krivosheina, N.P. (1975): Specification of insect complexes living in rotting trunks of Manchurian ash trees. - *Entomol. issled na Dalnem Vostoke, Novosibirsk/or: Proc. Inst. Biol. Pedol. N.S. 28(131): 89-96, Vladivostock. [Russian to German]
- Lehr, P.A. (1958): On the identification of robber flies (Diptera-Asilidae) of Kazakstan. - *Trudy kazak. nauch. -issl. Inst. Zashch. Rast. (Kaz. Akad. Sel. Nauk.) 4: 189-209; ?. [Russian to German]
- Lehr, P.A. (1960): Robber Flies of the genus Habropogon (Asilidae, Diptera) of the Kazakhstan and of Middle Asia. - *Trudy Inst. Zool. 11: 180-192, Alma-Ata. [Russian to German]
- Lehr, P.A. (1960): Materials for recognizing the robber flies (Diptera: Asilidae) of Kazakhstan. - *Doklady Kazakh. Akad. selskokhoz. Nauk. 4: 57-64, ?. [Russian to German]
- Lehr, P.A. (1961): The robber fly Stenopogon heteroneurus Macquart (Diptera, Asilidae), its behavior and feeding. - *Trudy nauchno-issled. Inst. Zashch. Rast., Kazakstan 6: 131-146, Alma-Ata. [Russian to German]
- Lehr, P.A. (1962): Some aspects of the evolution of robber flies. - *Trudy nauchno-issled. Inst. Zashch. Rast., Kazakstan 7: 347-382; Alma-Ata. [Russian to German]
- Lehr, P.A. (1964): On the nutrition and significance of robber flies. - *Trudy nauchno-issled. Inst. Zashch. Rast., Kazakstan 8: 213-244, Alma-Ata. [Russian to German, cf. transl12 Russian to English]
- Lehr, P.A. (1965): Robber-Flies of the tribe Dioctrini of Kazakhstan and Middle Asia. - Trudy Inst. Zool. 9: 184-199; Alma-Ata. [Russian to German]
- Lehr, P.A. (1966): New species of the genus Dysmachus Loew (Diptera, Asilidae). - Biologija i geografija 2: 102-109, Alma-Ata. [Russian to German]
- Lehr, P.A. (1966): Biology and taxonomy of Robber-Flies (Diptera, Asilidae) of the genera Cyrtopogon Loew and Grypoctonus Speiser of Kazakhstan and of Middle Asia. - Biologija i geografija 2: 95-101, Alma-Ata. [Russian to German]
- Lehr, P.A. (1966): Robber flies of the genus Neoitamus Ost.-Sac. (Diptera, Asilidae) of the USSR fauna. - Zoologichesky Zhurnal 45: 568-574, Moscow. [Russian to German]
- Lehr, P.A. (1966): Biology and taxonomy of Robber-Flies (Diptera, Asilidae) of the genera Cyrtopogon Loew and Grypoctonus Speiser of Kazakhstan and of Middle Asia. - Biologija i geografija 2: 95-101; Alma-Ata. [Russian to German]
- Lehr, P.A. (1969): Assassin Flies of the tribe Laphystini (Diptera, Asilidae) of the USSR fauna. - Zoologichesky Zhurnal 48(2): 233-240, Moscow. [Russian to German]
- Lehr, P.A. (1969): An ecological and morphological analysis of the Robber Flies (Dipt., Asilidae). Communication II.. - Entomologiceskoe obcozranie 48(3) [English translation: Entomological review 48(3): 532-560 [341-357]; Moscow [Washington]. [Russian to German, an English translation is published]
- Lehr, P.A. (1970): Review of Robber-Flies of the genera Hoplotriclis Herm., Antiphrisson Loew, Philonicus Loew. - *Faun. i ekol. nasekom. Sredney Azii: 107-135, (Dushanbe) Alma Ata. [Russian to German]
- Lehr, P.A. (1970): New genus of Asilidae (Diptera) of the fauna of the USSR. - Zoologichesky Zhurnal 49(12): 1845-1850, Moscow. [Russian to German]
- Lehr, P.A. (1970): Robber-Flies of the genera Heteropogon Loew and Anisopogon Loew (Diptera, Asilidae) of Eurasia. - Biologia i geografia, Kazakh State Univ. Alma-Ata 6: 69-79; Alma-Ata. [Russian to German]
- Lehr, P.A. (1974): Robber-Flies of the genera Psilocerus, Theurgus and Archilaphria (Diptera, Asilidae) from Palaearctic. - Zoologichesky Zhurnal 53(11): 1736-1738, Moscow. [Russian to German]
- Lehr, P.A. (1979): New species of Robber-Flies of the genus Eremodromus Zimin, 1928 (Diptera, Asilidae) of the Middle Asia. - Trudy vsesoyuznogo entomologicheskogo Obshchestva 61: 186-187, Moscow. [Russian to German]
- Lehr, P.A. (1979): Robber-Flies (Diptera, Asilidae) of the Amur region. - *Biologich. issledov. n. Dalnem Vostoke: 60-77, Vladivostock. [Russian to German]
- Lehr, P.A. (1981): Revision of assassin flies of the subtribe Machimina Lehr (Diptera, Asilidae). Communication 1. - In: Egorov, A.B. (et al.): Spiders and insects of the Far East of the USSR. - * Far East Science Centre, Acad. Sci. USSR: 90-128; Vladivostock. [Russian to German]
- Lehr, P.A. (1984): Assassin flies of the tribe Stichopogonini (Diptera, Asilidae) from the fauna of the USSR. II. - Zoologichesky Zhurnal 63(6): 859-864, Moscow. [Russian to German]
- Lehr, P.A. (1984): Assassin flies of the tribe Stichopogonini (Diptera, Asilidae) from the fauna of the USSR. I. - Zoologichesky Zhurnal 63(5): 696-706, Moscow. [Russian to German]
- Lehr, P.A. (1984): Systematics, ecology, and phylogeny of the asilids of genus Eutolmus Loew (Diptera, Asilidae). - *Sistem. i Ekol. Nasek. Dal'n. Vost: 127-139, Vladivostok. [Russian to German]
- Lehr, P.A. (1986): Survey of robber-flies subtribe Machimina Lehr (Diptera, Asilidae). Communication 2. The genus Antiphrisson Loew, 1847. - In: Lehr, P.A.: Systematics and ecology of insects from the Far East. - Vladivostock: Akademiya Nauk SSSR: 155 pp. (117-147). [Russian to German]
- Lehr, P.A. (1986): A new genus of Robber Flies in the Subfamily Asilinae (Diptera, Asilidae) from the Palaearctic. - Zoologichesky Zhurnal 65(2): 302-305, Moscow. [Russian to German]
- Lehr, P.A. (1988): Review of robberflies of the Philonicus group (Diptera, Asilidae). - Trudy vsesoyuznogo entomologicheskogo Obshchestva 70: 189-196, Moscow. [Russian to German]
- Lehr, P.A. (1989): Revizija ktyrej rodov Asilelle, Trichomachimus i Acanthopleura (Diptera, Asilidae). - Zoologichesky Zhurnal 68(2): 228-241, Moscow. [Russian to German]
- Lehr, P.A. (1989): Robberflies of subfamily Laphriinae (Diptera, Asilidae) of USSR. - Entomologicheskoe Obozrenie 68(2): 406-421, Moscow. [Russian to German]
- Lehr, P.A. (1992): 'Small'genera of robberflies of the subfamily Asilinae (Diptera, Asilidae). 1.Taxonomy and Ecology. - Zoologichesky Zhurnal 71(5): 91-105, Moscow. [Russian to German]
- Lehr, P.A. (1996): Robber flies of subfamily Asilinae (Diptera, Asilidae) of Palaearctic - ecological and morphological analysis, taxonomy and evolution. - Vladivostok: Russian Academy of Sciences; 181 pp., 10 pls. [Russian to German]
- Richter, V.A. (1960): New species of Robber-Flies (Diptera, Asilidae) from Transcaucasia. - *Doklady Akademija Nauk armyan. SSR 31(4): 245-249, ?. [Russian to German]
- Richter, V.A. (1962): New genus of Robber-Flies from Middle Asia. - Zoologichesky Zhurnal 41(11): 1746-1749, Moscow. [Russian to German]
- Richter, V.A. (1964): New and little known species of Robber-Flies (Diptera, Asilidae) in the fauna of Transcausasia. - *Doklady Akademija Nauk armyan. SSR 38(1): 53-57, ?. [Russian to German]
- Richter, V.A. (1973): Two new species of Robber-Flies (Diptera, Asilidae) from the Caucasus. - *Doklady Akademija Nauk armyan. SSR 57(2): 108-111, ?. [Russian to German]
- Richter, V.A. & Mamaev, B.M. (1976): New genus of the robber flies (Diptera, Asilidae) from the Far East. - Trudy zoologicheskogo Instituta. Akademiya Nauk 47: 113-116, St. Petersbourg. [Russian to German]
- Schmidt, E. (1954): Auf der Spur von Kellemisch - Beobachtungen an Libellen und anderen Insekten-Stifkindern in Süd-Kleinasien [On the track of Kellemisch - Observations on dragonflies and other insects in the South of Asia Minor]. - Entomologische Zeitschrift 64(5): 49-93 (57-58); Stuttgart. [German to English]
- Trojan, P. (1970): Klucze do oznaczania owadow Polski, 28. Muchowski-Diptera, 27. Asilidae [Keys for the identification of Polish insects, 28. Flies-Diptera, 27. Asilidae]. - Pan. Wyda. Nauk: Polski Zwiazek Entomologiczny 65: 1-89; Warschau. [Polish to German]
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Translations of different papers, provided and translated by Dr. R. Lavigne, Dr. S. Mayer, R. Karriker, and J. Fang
- Borchert, A. (1949): Raubfliegen und Raupenfliegen [Robber flies and tachinid flies]. - In: Borchert, A : Schädlinge der Honigbiene [Honey bee enemies]; 3rd ed.; Leipzig: Liedloff, Loth & Michaelis (p. 94-96). [German to English]
- Brügger, U. (1937): Raubfliegen als Bienenfeinde [Robber flies as bee enemies]. - Schweizische Bienen-Zeitung 58(7): 435-438; ?. [German to English]
- Castellarnau, S.J.I.S. de (1968): Bionomia de los dipteros asilidos [Bionomics of the Asilidae (Diptera)]. Revista Brotéria. Ciencias naturais (3)37: 87-93; Lisboa. [Spanish to English]
- Ergashev, N. (1970): Wasp fly - a possible regulator of locust numbers. - Priroda 1970(2): 105; Moscow. [Russian to English]
- Girschner, E. (1898): Raubgier einiger Dipteren I-II. [The robber greed of Diptera]. - Illustrierte Zeitschrift für Entomologie 3: 313-314, 328; Neudamm [German to English]
- Hua, L. (1989): Key to genera of Chinese Asilidae (I). - *Jiangxi Plant Protection Bulletin (1989) No. 1: 27-29; ?. [Chinese to English]
- Hua, L. (1990): Key to genera of Chinese Asilidae (II). - *Jiangxi Plant Protection Bulletin (1989) No. 1: 10-40; ?. [Chinese to English]
- Lehr, P.A. (1958b): Contribution to the robber fly (Diptera, Asilidae) fauna of southeast Kazakhastan. Trudy Inst. Zool., Akad. Nauk Kazakh SSR 8: 165-172; Alma-Ata. [Russian to English]
- Lehr, P.A. (1958c): On the biology and behavior of robber flies (Asilidae-Diptera). - *Trudy Inst. Zool., Akad. Nauk. Kazakh. SSR 8: 173-196; Alma-Ata. [Russian to English]
- Lehr, P.A. (1958d): On the identification of robber flies (Diptera-Asilidae) of Kazakstan. - *Trudy kazak. nauch. -issl. Inst. Zashch. Rast. (Kaz. Akad. Sel. Nauk.) 4: 189-209; ?. [Russian to English]
- Lehr, P.A. (1959): [Specific behavior of robber flies in connection with a predatory way of life]. Proceedings of the Fourth Congress of the All Union Entomological Society 1: 76-78. [Russian to English]
- Lehr, P.A. (1960c): Robber Flies of the genus Habropogon (Asilidae, Diptera) of the Kazakhstan and of Middle Asia. - *Trudy Inst. Zool. 11: 180-192, Alma-Ata. [Russian to English]
- Lehr, P.A. (1961): The robber fly Stenopogon heteroneurus Macquart (Diptera, Asilidae), its behavior and feeding. - Trudy nauchno-issled. Inst. Zashch. Rast., Kazakstan 6: 131-146, Alma-Ata. [Russian to English]
- Lehr, P.A. (1965): Robber-Flies of the tribe Dioctrini of Kazakhstan and Middle Asia. - Trudy Inst. Zool. 9: 184-199; Alma-Ata. [Russian to English]
- Lehr, P.A. (1969b): Assassin Flies of the tribe Laphystini (Diptera, Asilidae) of the USSR fauna. - Zoologichesky Zhurnal 48(2): 233-240, Moscow. [Russian to English]
- Lehr, P.A. (1970c): [A review of robber flies of the genera Hoplotriclis Herm., Antiphrisson Loew and Philonicus Loew], pp. 36-58. In: "Insects and their ecology in Soviet Central Asia". Dushanbe, Izd. Irfon. [Russian to English]
- Lehr, P.A. (1970d): Robber-Flies of the genera Heteropogon Loew and Anisopogon Loew (Diptera, Asilidae) of Eurasia. - Biologia i geografia, Kazakh State Univ. Alma-Ata 6: 69-79; Alma-Ata. [Russian to English]
- Lehr, P.A. (1971b): [Review of life style and significance of Machimus rusticus Meig. (Diptera: Asilidae) and closely related species of robber flies]. Biol. Sci., Kazakh State University, Alma-Ata 3: 203-213. [Russian to English]
- Peris, S.V. (1957): Sobre Asilus bolivari Arias, su inclusion en un nuevo genero y notas sobre su residencia ecologica [Concerning Asilus bolivari Arias, its inclusion in a new genus and notes on it's ecological habitat]. - Eos 33: 275-282; Madrid. [Spanish to English]
- Rinaldi, A.J.M. & Pailhé, L.A. & Popolizio, E.R. (1971): Un diptero cazador de abejas en Tucumani El Eicherax ricnotes ENGEL (Asilidae) [A dipterous enemy of honey bees in Tucuman, Eicherax ricnotes ENGEL (Asilidae)]. Revista Agronomía Noroeste Argentina VIII(3-4): 451-455. [Spanish to English]
- Ruiz Pereira, H.F. (1925): Voracidad de los asilidos (dipteros). - Revista chilena de Historia natural pura y aplicada 29: 220-224, Santiago. [Spanish to English]
- Schmidt, E. (1933): Über die Beute des Dasypogon teutonus L. (Dipt. Asilid.) [The prey of Dasypogon teutonus L. (Dipt. Asilid.)]. Mitteilungen der Deutschen Entomologischen Gesellschaft 4(6): 95-96; Berlin. [German to English]
- Wichmann, H.E. (1956): Untersuchungen über Ips typographus L. und seine Umwelt. Asilidae, Raubfliegen [Investigations concerning Ips typographus L. and its environment]. - Zeitschrift für angewandte Entomologie 39(1):58-62; Berlin - Hamburg. [German to English]
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Includes: |
Translation of Artigas & Angulo (1980), provided by Dr. L.G. Bezark and translated by B. Villegas
- Artigas, J.N. & Angulo, A.O. (1980): Revision del genero Mallophora Macquart por sistematica alfa y taxonomia numérica (Diptera - Asilidae) [Revision of the genus Mallophora by alpha systematics and numerical taxonomy (Diptera - Asilidae)]. - Gayana. Zoologia. Universidad de Concepcion, Instituto Central de Biologia 43: 182 pp.; Concepcion. [Protuguese to English]
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Includes: |
Translation of Aartsen & Goot (1981), translated by A. Maaskant, edited and typed by Dr. L.G. Bezark
- Aartsen, B. van & Goot, V.S. van der (1981): De jachtgewoonten van een aantal roofvliegen in Nederland (Diptera, Asilidae) [The hunting haunts of robber flies (Diptera, Asilidae) in the Netherlands]. - Entomologische Berichten. Nederlandse Entomologische Vereniging 41(7): 97-101; Amsterdam. [Dutch to English]
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Includes: |
Translation of Tagawa, Y. (1999), translated by Dr. Y. Tagawa
- Tagawa, Y (1999): A new record of the robber-fly (Diptera: Asilidae) from Japan. - Hana abu 7(3): 5-6; Kyoto [Japanese to English]
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Includes: |
Translations of different papers, provided and translated by Ms Maria Sugiura (né Nihashi) and Dr. R. Lavigne
- Harusawa, K. (1999): [Occurrence of Myelaphus dispar (Loew) (Diptera: Asilidae) from Mt. Ohya in Hyogo Prefecture]. - Hana abu 8: 19-21; Kyoto. [Japanese to English]
- Harusawa, K. (2000): [Note on the ecology of Choerades komurae (Matsumura)]. Hana abu 10: 97; Kyoto. [Japanese to English]
- Ichida, T. (1998): [The number of species of Diptera known from Aomori Prefecture]. - Hana abu 5: 14-16; Kyoto. [Japanese to English]
- Ito, N. (1999): [An update on Molobratia kanoi Hradsky]. - Hana abu 8: 58; Kyoto. [Japanese to English]
- Ito, N. (2001): [My collection of Diptera recorded in Kanagawa Pref., Japan]. - Hana abu 13(3): 91-95 (93); Kyoto. [Japanese to English]
- Ito, N. & Harusawa, K. (1998): [Rediscovery of Molobratia kanoi Hradsky (Diptera: Asilidae) from Nagano Prefecture]. - Hana abu 6: 11-13; Kyoto. [Japanese to English]
- Iwata, K. (1932): [Notes on the food habits of insects (Miscellaneous Contributions, Entomology Laboratory, Kyoto Imperial University, No. 29)]. - The Transactions of the Kansai Entomological Society 3: 80-87; Osaka. [Japanese to English]
- Iwata, K. & Shibuya, K. (1934): [Notes on the food habits of insects (II)]. - The Transactions of the Kansai Entomological Society 5: 61-65; Osaka. [Japanese to English]
- Kurosa, K. (1948): [A few predators of long horned beetles]. - Shin Konchu 1: 365; ? [Japanese to English]
- Ohishi, H. (1997): [Short Report. Asilidae congregating around flowers]. - Hana abu 3: 52; Kyoto. [Japanese to English]
- Ohishi, H. (1998): [Recorded Notes]. - Hana abu 6: 43-46; Kyoto. [Japanese to English]
- Sawaro, J. (1952): [A morpological and biological description of Leptogaster trimucronata Hermann]. - Transactions of the Etsusa Entomological Society 4: 112-113. [Japanese to English]
- Sugimoto, M. & Ito, N. (1999): [Facts concerning Merodontina sylvatica]. - Hana abu 7: 54; Kyoto. [Japanese to English]
- Yonezu, A. (1998): [Observation on Promachus yesonicus oviposition]. - Hana abu 5: 46; Kyoto. [Japanese to English]
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Includes: |
Translation of Zuska, J. (1972), translated by Dr. J. Bosak and Dr. R. Lavigne
- Zuska, J. (1972): Roupci dravci mezi dvoukíídlými [Robber-flies predators among Diptera]. - Ziva 20: 221-222; Praha
- Heyrovský, L. (1923): Diptera nepritelem tesarika Spondylis buprestoides [Diptera-enemy of sawyer beetle Spondylis buprestoides]. Casopis Ceskoslovenske Spolecnosti Entomologicke 20: 107-108; Praha. [Czech to English]
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Includes: |
Translation by Mr. Hisayoshi Fukaya and Dr. R. Lavigne
- Harusawa, K. (1997): Ecology of Ceraturgus kawamurae Matsumura and Cyrtopogon pictipennis Coquillett (Diptera, Asilidae). - Hana abu 3: 57-58; Kyoto. [Japanese to English]
- Harusawa, K. (1998): Records of distribution of Pogonosoma funebre Hermann. - Hana abu 5: 46; Kyoto. [Japanese to English]
- Harusawa, K. (1998): Data concerning the distribution of Japanese Asilidae (1). - Hana abu 5: 44-45; Kyoto. [Japanese to English]
- Harusawa, K. (2000): Records of robber fly (Diptera: Asilidae) captures. - Hana abu 10: 105-106; Kyoto. [Japanese to English]
- Harusawa, K. (2004): Records of prey of the genus Grypoctonus<(i> (Diptera: Asilidae), and notes on Bibionidae (Diptera) as their prey. - Hana abu 17(3): 67-69; Kyoto. [Japanese to English]
- Ito, N. (2001): Diptera of Sayama hill, Kanto District, Part 1 Syrphidae & Asilidae. - Hana abu 5: 87-91 (91); Kyoto. [Japanese to English]
- Masaru, N. (2001): [A shioya-abu (Promachus yesonicus Bigot) catching a koshiaki-tonbo (Pseudothemis zonata (Burmeister))]. - Hana abu 11 (2001.3): 98; Kyoto. [Japanese to English]
- Nishimoto, Y. (2001): [Report on mating of shioya-abu (Promachus yesonicus Bigot)]. - Hana abu 12 (2001.10): 71; Kyoto. [Japanese to English]
- Ohishi, H. & Otobe, H. (2003): Asilidae (Diptera) in seashore of Mie. - Hana abu 16(10): 49-52; Kyoto. [Japanese to English]
- Tagawa, Y. (2001): First record of Cyrtopogon pulchripes Loew 1871 from Japan`s main island. - Hana abu 11: 97; Kyoto. [Japanese to English]
- Yonetsu, A. (1998): Observations on the oviposition of Promachus yesonicus Bigot. - Hana abu 5: 46; Kyoto. [Japanese to English]
- Yoshida, H. (2002): [The kinds of Diptera found in Kobe, North Ward]. - Hana abu 14(19): 49-50; Kyoto. [Japanese to English]
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Includes: |
Translation by Dr. Joseph Wilcox and offered by Dr. R. Lavigne
- Carrera, M. (1958): Sobre o genero Dasyllis Loew, 1851 (Diptera, Asilidae). - Papéis Avulsos do Departamento de Zoologia, São Paulo, Brazil 13(N. 16): 213-220. [Portuguese to English]
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Includes: |
Translations of different papers, provided and translated by Dr. R. Lavigne and R. Karriker
- Adamovic, Z. (1950): Contribution à la connaissance de Dysmachus bilobus Loew (Diptera, Asilidae). [Contribution to the knowledge of Dysmachus bilobus Loew]. Godishn'yak Biol. Inst. Sarajevu 3(1-2): 205-212. [Serbian & French to English]
- Lehr, P.A. (1958): Information concerning the biology of Promachus leontochlaenus Loew (Diptera: Asilidae)]. Trudy nauchno-issledovaniya Instituta Zaschti Rasteniy, Kazaskhn 4: 210-224; Alma-Ata. [Russian to English]
- Lehr, P.A. (1962/63): [Contributions to the biology of Calliptamus turanicus and C. barbarus in the Chimkent]. Trudy nauchno-issledovaniya Instituta Zaschti Rastieniy, Kazaskhn 7: 3-56; Alma-Ata. [Russian to English]
- Lehr, P.A. (1963): [A review of the robber flies (Diptera, Asilidae) of the genus Stenopogon Loew]. Trudy Instituta Zoologii, Akademiya Nauk Kazakhstan SSR 21: 96-141; Alma-Ata [Russian to English]
» Download transl10.zip [size: 12 KB] |
Includes: |
Translations of different papers, provided and translated by Fritz Geller-Grimm and colleagues
- Becker, T. (1925): H.Sauter's Formosa-Ausbeute: Asilinae III. (Dipt.). - Entomologische Mitteilungen 14: 62-85; Berlin-Dahlem. [key on p. 63-69 German to English by F. Geller-Grimm]
- Frey, R. (1934): Diptera Brachycera von den Sunda-Inseln und Nord-Australien. - Revue suisse de Zoologie 41(15): 299-339 (311-318); Geneve. [German to English by A. Scarbrough & F. Geller-Grimm]
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Includes: |
Translation from Russian by Robert Karriker [809 Elmwood Drive, Norman, OK 73072] and Dr. Robert Lavigne [Professor Emeritus, Dept. of Renewable Resources, Entomology Program, University of Wyoming; current address: P.O. Box 1010, Mt Barker, SA 5251, AUSTRALIA; e-mail: robertlavigne@bigpond.com
- Lehr, P.A. 1964b. [On the nutrition and significance of robber flies]. Trudy Instituta Zoologii, Akademiya Nauk Kazakstan SSR 8: 213-244; Alma-Ata. [Russian to English].
» Download transl12.zip [size: 12 KB] |
Includes: |
Translation from Chinese by Dr. Yuji Tagawa [Japan]
- Shi, Y. (1995): Notes on the Chinese species of the genus Xenomyza Wiedemann (Diptera: Asilidae). - *Sinozoologia 12: 259-269; ?. [Chinese to English].
- Shi, Y. (1995): Study on the Chinese species of the family Asilidae (Diptera: Asilidae). - *Sinozoologia 12: 253-258; ?. [Chinese to English]. NEW
- Shi, Y. (1992): Notes on the genus Trichomachimus Engel from China (Diptera: Asilidae). - Acta Zootaxonomica Sinica 17(4): 458-472; Beijing. [Chinese to English]. NEW
- Shi, Y. (1992): Notes on the Chinese species of the genus Trigonomima Enderlein (Diptera: Asilidae). - *Sinozoologia 9: 339-343; ?. NEW
- Shi, Y. (1995): Notes on the genus Clephydroneura Becker from China (Diptera: Asilidae). - *Sinozoologia 12: 270-280; ?. NEW
» Open tagawa01.pdf [size: 19 KB] |
Additional Comments |
Dr. R. Lavigne published short translations of the following papers in his new book:
Lavigne, R.J. (1999): Bibliography update 1977-1995 for the Asilidae (Insecta: Diptera), including short translations from Japanese and Russian. - University of Wyoming, Agricultural Experiment Station, Science Monograph 55: 91 pp.; Laramie.
Translated are:
- Kuribayashi, D. (1954): [On the prey of Promachus yesonicus Bigot]. - New Entomologist. The Entomological Society of Shinshu 3: 38-41; Ueda. [In Japanese]
- Aoki, A. (1949): [On some alpine Asilidae from Formosa and Japan]. - Kontyû 17(6): 59-60. [In Japanese]
- Kimura, T. (1958): [Miscellaneous notes on Asilidae of Japan (Diptera) (I.)]. - Akitu 7: 55-56; Shimogamo - Kyoto. [In Japanese]
- Lehr, P.A. (1958): Biologiya ktyrya pitayushtshegosya saranchovymi. [The biology of a robber fly feeding on acridids]. - Doklady Kazakhstan Akademii selskokhoz. Nauk 3: 16-23; Alma-Ata. [In Russian]
- Lehr, P.A. (1962): [Some aspects of the evolution of robber flies]. - *Trudy nauchno-issled. Inst. Zashch. Rast., Kazakstan 7: 347-382; Alma-Ata. [In Russian]
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