Fig. 1: head, lateral - anterior - posterior view Machimus
Fig. 1:
1 = |
compound eye, comp eye [1]
2 = |
ocellar tubercle; ocellar plate; vertical triangle [1/3]; ocellarium [2]; ocellar prominence [6]
3 = |
ocellus (pl. ocelli), oc [1/5]
4 = |
antennal socket, ant soc [1]
5 = |
occiput, ocp [1]; lateral occipital region [6]
6 = |
vertex, vrt; epicranium [1/2]; postfrons; posterior vertex [6]
7 = |
frons [1/2/3/6]; front [1]; postantennal region; anterior vertex [6]
8 = |
face, fc [1/2]; prefrons [6]
9 = |
postcranium [1]; postocular area [2]
10 = |
facial gibbosity [1/2/3]; facial protuberance [3]; median fascial plate [1]
11 = |
parafacial area, pafc [1/6]
12 = |
lower fascial margin [1/3]; epistomal suture [1]; oral border [2]; oral margin; epistosoma [5]; postclypeus - with frontoclypeal suture [6]
13 = |
palpus (pl. palpi), plp [1]; maxillary palpi [6]
14 = |
proboscis [1]
15 = |
fused prementum and labellae (sg. labella) [1/2/6]
16 = |
gena (pl. genae), gn [1/6]; bucca, cheek, jowl [1]
17 = |
lower part of the occiput
18 = |
postgena, pgn [1]
19 = |
? clypeaus?, subcranial cavity [1]
20 = |
posterior tentorial pit, p tnt pit [1]
21 = |
paravertex ?, pavt [1]
22 = |
median occipital sclerite, m ocp scl; epicephalon; cerebrale [1/6]; median occipital region [6]
23 = |
occipital foramen, ocp for [1/6]
24 = |
postocciput (= rim of occipital foramen) [1]
25 = |
hypostomal bridge, hyps brg; pseudogula [6]

Fig. 2: head, mouthparts Triorla
Fig. 2:
1 = |
palpus (pl. palpi), plp [1]; maxillary palpus [1/2/5]
2 = |
labrum, lbr [1/2/4/5/6]; labrum-epipharynx [1]
3 = |
hypopharynx, hyphar (with salivary canal) [1/2/4/5]
4 = |
stipes (pl. stipites) of maxilla; lacinia [1]; maxilla (pl. maxillae) [4/5]; galea [2/6]
5 = |
labium, lab; united second maxillae [1/4/5]
6 = |
fused postmentum [1]; mentum [2]
7 = |
fused prementum and labellae (sg. labella) [1/2/6]
8 = |
fused labial palpus [Dikow, pers. comm.]; paraglossa (pl. paraglossae) [2]
9 = |
cardo of maxilla [1/2]
[1] McAlpine, J.F. (1981): Morphology and terminology - Adults. - In: McAlpine, J.P. et al. (eds.): Manuel of Nearctic Diptera, vol. 1; p. 9-63 - Ottawa: Research Branch, Agriculture Canada, Monograph 27.
[2] Artigas, J.N. (1967): The Asilidae (Diptera) of Chile, 2 Vols. - Xerography of Doctoral Diss., University Microfilms: 674 pp.; Ann Arbor.
[3] Wood, G.C. (1981): Asilidae. - In: McAlpine, J.P. et al. (eds.): Manuel of Nearctic Diptera, vol. 1; p. 549-573 - Ottawa: Research Branch, Agriculture Canada, Monograph 27.
[4] Theodor, O. (1980): Fauna Palaestina - Insecta II - Diptera: Asilidae; 446 pp. - Jerusalem: The Israel Academy of Science and Humantities.
[5] Hull, F.M. (1962): Robber flies of the world, 2 volumes; 907 pp. - Washington: Bulletin of the United States National Museum 224 (1,2).
[6]Crampton, G.C. (1942): Guide to the insects of Connecticut. Part IV. The Diptera, or true flies of Connecticut. The external morphology of the Diptera. - Bulletin of the Connecticut Geological and Natural History Survey 64: 10-165; Hartford.